Sans ordre hierarchique / without hierarchical order
Un peu (bcp) obsolète car twitter a détroné les blogs
en Français / French blogs
Super pognon
Tryingtobelikewarren (bilingue Anglais Français, now inactive)
Actions ordinaires entreprises extraordinaires (now inactive)
Ratio Rating Ranking
Valeur Bourse
Le projet Lynch
QD Bourse
en Anglais / in English
Value and opportunity
Alpha Vulture
The Red Corner (now inactive)
Value uncovered
Back of the envelope investing
Lawbitrage (inactive ?)
Gourous / Gurus, general investing landscape, philosophy
Jeremy Grantham
Howard Marks
Interesting links
Value investing world
Stingy investor
Psychologie de l'investisseur, behavioural investing
Psy-Fi blog
Apprentissage / Education
Finance académie (chaîne youtube, en Français)
Master Bourse
Musing on Markets (Aswath Damodaran)
General (en Français)
Books (trying to correct my "system I" thinking, tools for decision-making under uncertainty)
Thinking, fast and slow (Kahneman, Tversky)
The drunkards walk (Modinow)
How not to be wrong (Ellenberg)
Fooled by randomness, the black swan (Taleb)
Statistiques, méfiez-vous (Nicolas Gauvrit), et ses différents podcasts
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